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U.S. EB-5 Program

$3 Billion in Investments Boost U.S. Economy

US Green Card | US Immigrant Investor | USA Investment | usa program |


Published   07:39 AM 26 May 2016
Updated    07:44 AM 26 May 2016

Last year, around $3 billion was funnelled to the United States through investments made by entrepreneurs who applied through the U.S. immigrant investor EB-5 Program. In exchange for their investments,the investors and their families were granted green cards. Several countries offer residency or citizenship by investment programs as a means to attract foreign investors and their capital. The U.S. is one of the front-runners of this program, having been established in 1990, and investors continue to flock to this land of opportunity.

The U.S. immigrant investor EB-5 program requires an investment of US$1 million in an approved business in the U.S. or US$500,000 in a Regional Center or a business located in high unemployment or rural areas. In return, the EB-5 investor obtains conditional green cards for him/herself and immediate family. The EB-5 program makes the U.S. accessible to high net worth investors who are considering immigrating to the U.S. with their families. Not only are funds invested into the country, but the EB-5 program is creating a minimum of ten employment opportunities for American citizens per investor who applies through the EB-5 program.

Upon investment, applicants and their immediate family members are first given a two-year conditional green card and they can settle anywhere they choose to in the U.S. Once the conditions of the EB-5 program are satisfied, including proving the creation of 10 new jobs for qualified U.S. workers, the investors may apply for unconditional green cards. Green card holders can benefit from all services as do citizens, such as health and education, however, they are not allowed to vote.

In the event that the investor chooses not to settle in the U.S. once unconditional green cards are obtained, status can be maintained by entering the U.S. at least once a year. Furthermore, once permanent residence requirements are met, the investor can then apply for U.S. citizenship and passports.

To find out more about the U.S. immigrant investor EB-5 program, please click here.

Feel free to fill out our Free Assessment, and find out if you qualify under any of the business immigration programs offered.

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