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Bulgarian Immigrant Investor Program (BGIIP)

Note: The Bulgarian government has suspended the Bulgarian Immigrant Investor Program (BGIIP). The Bulgarian Immigrant Investor Program (BGIIP) is no longer possible.

Bulgarian Immigrant Investor Program (BGIIP)

The Bulgarian Immigrant Investor Program, launched in 2009, aims to attract high net worth business individuals who would like to immigrate to Europe. Through this program, applicants and their immediate families can obtain permanent residency in Bulgaria.

Eligibility Requirements

Citizenship Requirements

Program Benefits

Permanent Residence Benefits

Citizenship Benefits

Investment Options

1. Invest BGN 1 million (EUR 511,292) in a Bulgarian bank account in order to purchase government bonds. The investment must be held for a period of 5 years, after which the full amount of BGN 1 million (EUR 511,292) is returned to the investor without any accrued interest. The investment is fully guaranteed by the government bonds. *

2. Double the minimum investment amount (EUR 511,292) in government bonds after one year of residency in order to apply for the Fast-Track citizenship option. Second investment must be held for a minimum of 2 years.

*Financing option is available. Please contact us for the cost of financing and/or further details.

Bulgaria Frequently Asked Questions
1.Does “exemption from physical residence” mean I am not obliged to live in Bulgaria after I am granted residency? 
Yes, the applicant is fully exempt from this requirement which means Bulgarian residency can be maintained while living anywhere else in the world as long as the required investment in government bonds is kept for a period of 5 years.
2. What are the statutory trips to Bulgaria?
The statutory trips are trips the Bulgarian government requires the applicant to make to Bulgaria during the processing of the application. Two statutory trips are requested.

For more information, please fill out our Free Assessment to find out if you qualify.


Quebec Investment Consultation and Management Services LLC
​Ibrahim Al-Qattan St. Building # 21, 1st floor
P.O. Box 811 Amman 11831 Jordan
Tel (1) : +962 (6) 585 6164
Tel (2) : +962 (6) 585 6165
Tel (3) : +962 (6) 585 6765
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