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Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program the Golden Ticket to Europe

EU Golden Visas | Hungarian Residency Bond Program | Hungarian Special Debt Fund | Hungary Golden Visa | Hungary Permanent Residency | hungary program |


Published   03:51 AM 5 March 2017
Updated    04:18 PM 30 June 2022

Obtaining European residency is one of the best ways to ensure greater travel freedom, among a number of other benefits. For wealthy foreign nationals, applying to European Residency by Investment Programs has become a growing trend for those who can afford it. Investment amounts vary from country to country and some of Europe’s Residency by Investment Programs offer candidates “Golden Visas,” or residency permits, in exchange for a financial contribution to the country’s economy. When it comes to getting the most out of your investment, the Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program is the golden ticket for your immigration solutions.

About the Hungarian Golden Visa Program

The Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program is a Golden Visa Program that allows non-EU citizens to obtain permanent residency in Hungary in return for their investments in Special Hungarian Government Bonds. For a minimum of EUR 300,000 eligible applicants and their immediate family are granted permanent residency in Hungary. Even better, the initial investment amount is returned without interest to the investor after a five-year lockout period is fulfilled, with permanent residence status kept indefinitely.

However, the time to apply is running out. As of April 2017, the Hungarian government will no longer be accepting new applications (those submitted before March 31st will still be processed). Although the Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program has not officially been terminated by the country’s National Assembly, the ability to apply for Hungarian permanent residency through investment will be indefinitely suspended after the deadline lapses this year.

Hungarian Golden Visa Program Benefits

First of all, successful applicants and eligible family members can obtain Hungarian permanent residency in as little as two months and enjoy low living costs in a European country. Hungarian residents also have the option of working or studying anywhere in the country, including access to top-notch healthcare amenities.

If an applicant chooses to open a business, The Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program provides entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals low business costs for start-ups as well as low tax rates for all residents. In fact, Hungary’s economy has continued to show positive growth as of 2016 and is predicted to gain momentum for 2017. Coupled with Hungary’s low unemployment rate and wage increases across the country, Hungarian residency offers applicants and their family added benefits of financial security in Europe.  

If permanently relocating to Hungary isn’t part of your immigration plan, applicants and their family are not obligated to live in Hungary year-round or even temporarily. The Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program grants special exemption of physical residence to the primary applicant and his or her dependents. Even more, Hungary is also part of the European Union and Schengen region, which grants Hungarian residents freedom of movement between member states, including visa-free and visa-on-arrival travel to 146 countries worldwide.

However, for those who are seeking permanent residency in a European country, Hungary’s Investor Residency Bond Program allows Hungarian citizenship to be obtained after 8 years of residency and if all requirements are met.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to Golden Visa Programs, Hungary is your golden ticket to Europe. Not only can applicants enjoy a risk-free investment in exchange for permanent residency, but enjoy the added benefits of travel freedom throughout the EU and the Schengen region.

For entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals seeking immigration solutions, the Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program offers golden opportunities that are hard to beat. However, the application deadline to obtain Hungarian permanent residency is right around the corner—contact our offices today to discuss your immigration plans for a brighter future.

To see our European Golden Visa Residency comparison table, please click here.

For more information on the Hungarian Investor Residency Bond Program, please click here.

Fill out our Free Assessment to see if you qualify for any of the immigration programs offered.

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