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Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP)

Quebec Immigration Step-by-Step

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Published   06:45 AM 14 June 2016
Updated    06:47 AM 14 June 2016

Intake of applications under the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program began on May 30th 2016 and is set to run until February 27th 2017, or when the maximum number of applications (1900) is reached. We would like to provide you with a breakdown of the steps in the entire immigration process, along with how our firm will take action to ensure the highest probability of a successful application, the end result being permanent residency in Canada.
Step 1: We work alongside our clients to collect all documents requested by the Quebec Immigration Office. We review application forms and narrative documents to ensure that they are to the standards set by the office, including being accurate and complete. All documents provided are cross-examined with forms and narrative document to check for any inconsistencies or other inaccuracies. Once all documents are collected, we organize the file in the required format along with a cover letter provided by our office.
Step 2: Once the application is complete, the entire file is submitted to the authorized financial intermediary through whom the investment of 800,000 CAD will be transferred. The financial intermediary reviews the file and countersigns the Investment Agreement. The application cannot be submitted to the immigration office without the Investment Agreement.

Step 3: The application is submitted to the Quebec Immigration Office on behalf of the client. The government application fee of 15,000 CAD is due at the time of submission.

Step 4: Incomplete applications will be returned without review. Those that are deemed complete are added to the processing queue and an official Acknowledgement of Receipt (AOR) letter is sent to the applicant. 

Step 5: An immigration officer will review the application to ensure that all requirements are satisfied including the legally obtained minimum net worth of 1.6 million CAD and the eligible management experience.

Step 6: Applicants who meet the selection criteria of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program will be scheduled for an interview along with their spouse with a Quebec immigration officer. Within ten business days of receiving this letter, applicants are requested to submit updated documents and forms. We work closely with our clients to ensure the updated documents are provided and that they do not conflict with the file initially submitted. We help our clients apply for temporary resident visas should they be required in order to come to Canada to attend the requested interview. We work closely with clients in preparation for the interview in addition to providing a Quebec lawyer who will attend the interview with the client. A meeting is scheduled ahead of the interview in order to run through the general questions and organize the client to be as prepared as possible.

Step 7: If the interview is successful, the Quebec immigration officer will send a document requesting the transfer of the 800,000 CAD investment within 110 days. We coordinate the transfer between the client and the financial intermediary to ensure that the funds are transferred on time.

Step 8: Once the full investment is received, a "Quebec Selection Certificate" or "Certificat de Sélection du Québec (CSQ)" is issued to the applicant. This certificate is the client’s approval at the provincial level. At that point, we work closely with the client to prepare their Federal immigration application that is to be submitted to the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.  

Step 9: Once Canadian immigration authorities have reviewed the investor’s application, medical instructions are issued to the client. The applicant as well as all accompanying family members on the application must undergo a medical examination performed by an approved physician. 

Step 10: If the medical examination results are cleared, successful applicants receive a formal letter requesting the submission of passports for each person included on the investor application. A visa is added to the passport allowing the applicant and accompanying dependents to gain entry to Canada for permanent immigration. The visa will expire one year after the date of medical examinations and the applicant and family must arrive in Canada before that date. Once in Canada, the investor and immediate family members will receive permanent residence cards that can be used to travel to and from Canada at will. We work closely with the client to ensure that landing is scheduled before the expiry date, as well as help with settlement in Canada. We assist with obtaining permanent residence cards, as well as provide guidance with regards to obtaining health insurance and other important cards for the client’s stay in Canada.
While hiring an immigration lawyer is in no way necessary to complete an immigration application, it is strongly advised. With many years of experience on our backs, we know the ins and outs of the program and will keep clients’ minds at ease knowing that their application was reviewed by professionals who can give them the best chances at success. From the moment our services are contracted to the comfortable settlement in Canada, we guide our clients every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
For more information on the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, please click here.

Fill out our Free Assessment to find out if you qualify for any of the immigration programs offered.

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Quebec Investment Consultation and Management Services LLC
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