Investors often have to travel on short notice and the long processing times for visitor visas is not only inconvenient, it could potentially lead to business losses. This situation is further worsened when a visa is denied. The potential for a Second Citizenship has attracted many wealthy investors from around the world, many of which come from the Middle East due to the limitations of passports from this region.
The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers investors the freedom to travel with its passport that allows visa-free access to over 130 countries, including Canada and the Schengen region. This freedom can be obtained in a short two to three months; the time it takes to process applications under this CIP. Add to that the affordability of the program, and investors are lined up to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program has the following three investment options available:
- Minimum contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF) of US$200,000 for a family of four;
- Government-approved property purchase with minimum value of US$400,000;
- Establish a business with a minimum US$1.5 million investment.
The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is one of the quickest and most affordable second passport programs available. It is also the only second passport program in the Caribbean that includes visa-free travel to Canada.
For more information on the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP), please click here.
Please fill out our Free Assessment to find out if you qualify for any other program offered.