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Comparing Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP

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Published   11:55 AM 12 May 2016
Updated    03:27 PM 28 June 2022

There are three options for Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP). Let’s take a closer look at each as well as look at the investments from a long term perspective.

  1. Donation to the National Development Fund (NDF)
Investment in this non-profit fund is a non-refundable donation. The minimum contribution starts at $200,000USD. Prior to transferring the funds, an application is submitted with due diligence fees for the applicant and all dependents over 12 years of age as well as 10% of the government processing fee. After the due diligence process for the CIP, if a letter of approval is issued, only then will the applicant be instructed to transfer the funds within 30 days. Citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda is granted after completion of the investment.

Investment is non-refundable
  1. Real Estate Investment
The applicant must purchase approved real estate with a minimum value of $400,000 USD. After signing off a property purchase agreement and the funds are in escrow, an application may be submitted. Again, due diligence fees and 10% of the Antigua and Barbuda government processing fee are required at submission of the CIP application. The purchase contract only goes through to completion if citizenship is accepted. The real estate investment must be held (cannot be sold) for a minimum period of 5 years.

Minimum investment: $400,000 USD

Real estate holding period: 5 years
  1. Business Investment
The third option is a direct investment into an authorized business on the islands of Antigua and Barbuda. The minimum investment is $1.5 million USD for an individual investor, or two or more investors can make a joint investment in a business totalling at least $5 million USD. Each investor must contribute at least $400,000 USD.

Minimum investment for an individual immigrant investor: $1,500,000 USD

Minimum investment for two or more investors in a joint business: $400,000 USD each, with total investment minimum $5,000,000 USD.

Below are the CIP government processing and due diligence fees (applicable regardless of option):

Government Processing Fees:

Investor: $50,000 USD
Spouse: $25,000 USD
  • Dependent child under 18 years old: $25,000 USD each
  • Dependent child 18-25 years old: $50,000 USD each
  • Dependent parent/grandparent over 65: $50,000 USD each
Government Due Diligence Fees for CIP:
  • Investor and spouse: $7,500 USD
  • Dependent children 12-17 years old: $2,000 USD
  • Dependent children 18-25 years old: $4,000 USD
  • Dependent parent/grandparent over 65: $4,000 USD

While the donation option may seem like the simplest route, it is important to remember that funds are not refundable with this option. Taking a long term perspective, the real estate investment may be more beneficial even though the upfront investment amount is higher. After the 5 year holding period has elapsed, the investor may sell the property purchased. If the property has appreciated in value, the investor may come out of the process with a positive return on investment after all fees considered. The property would have to depreciate significantly in value in order for the investment to be equivalent to donating $200,000 USD.

Take the following hypothetical situation: Investor A (a single investor) makes a charitable donation of $200,000 + $50,000 processing fees + $7,500 due diligence fee for a total (loss) of $257,500 USD. The cost of citizenship is thus $257,500 USD. Investor B (also a single investor) purchases an approved real estate property for $400,000 + $50,000 processing fees + $7,500 due diligence fee. At the end of 5 years, the property actually depreciated 50% and the investor sells the property for half the purchase price, or $200,000. Total cost of citizenship in this case is $257,500 USD.

The above example is taking a serious real estate crash into consideration and the end cost is the same. The Citizenship by Investment Program is expected to boost the property market in Antigua and Barbuda in the coming years. In conclusion, it may be worthwhile to make a higher investment initially to benefit long term. Depending on each individual’s priorities though, the simpler route of a one-time donation may be more appealing.

For more information on the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Immigration Program, please click here.

Feel free to fill out our Free Assessment, and find out if you qualify under any of the business immigration programs offered.


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