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Permanent Residency Canada to Middle East Nationals

Canada Permanent Residency | canada program | Immigration to Canada | Middle East Nationals | The Middle East |


Published   07:12 AM 9 April 2016
Updated    12:37 PM 16 December 2021

Civil unrest and demonstrations have occurred recently in many countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Not only does attaining permanent residence in the province of Quebec mean investors may reside, work or travel to Quebec as they wish, but along with a permanent residency, investors are exposed to many more beneficial aspects, including the right to live, work or study anywhere in Canada, as well as the opportunity to obtain Canadian citizenship. 

Most importantly, this means that the program is particularly ideal for individuals that wish to lead a more stable and comfortable life in Canada, while there may be political unrest or instability in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Canada has a stronghold on the mid-level investor market largely dominated by China and the Middle East. The province of Quebec continues to successfully promote its own immigrant investor program which will accept 1900 applications for processing.

Migration from the Middle East region to Canada, motivated mainly by political instability in the region, broadens prospects to economic opportunities abroad. The current Middle East immigrant population in Canada is very diverse; the majority comes from the Middle East, the remainder from North Africa. Iraq is the largest country of origin, followed closely by Egypt and Lebanon. The number of immigrants from GCC (Saudi Arabia and Yemen) has also grown rapidly over the past decade. There is noticeable increase in the number of Libyans and Syrians entering Canada as the civil wars intensified.

What is the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP)? 

The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) was designed by the Quebec government to attract investors and their capital to Quebec, Canada. By investing in Quebec, the applicant and immediate family are granted permanent residency in Canada.

How will the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) benefit me as a citizen of the Middle East and North Africa?

Permanent residency is granted to the investor and immediate family (a dependent child must be under 19 years old), allowing the family to share the same status.

As a permanent resident the candidate has the right to:

1. Get most social benefits that Canadian citizens receive, including health care coverage;
2. Live, work or study anywhere in Canada;
3. Apply for Canadian citizenship (if requirements are met);
4. Protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

There are currently more than 15 global residence and citizenship-based investment programs. The industry will experience significant growth in the years ahead.

For more information on the investment options and how to obtain permanent residence in Canada through the QIIP, please click here.

Feel free to fill out our Free Assessment, and find out if you qualify under any of the business immigration programs offered.

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